Duck Dynasty Wiki
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This community is dedicated to building a useful and informative database for all Duck Dynasty related subject matter. Our goal is to create a reliable, accurate resource with as much detailed information about episodes, characters, and locations as possible. All are welcome to contribute here, so long as edits are constructive, discussions are positive, and both are relevant to this series.

For more information on how you can get started here, please check the "Helping Out" section below. Thanks for stopping by!

(mouse over a character for their name and a link!)
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JessicaJepMiss KayPhilMissyJaseSadieWillieKorieSiJohn Luke



Duck Dynasty is a reality-television show that is centered about the daily interaction of the employees of Duck Commander, a company that makes duck calls, which was founded in 1972 by Phil Robertson . The original idea for Duck Dynasty was from Willie Robertson , who is the CEO of the company. For more info on Duck Commander visit:

Helping Out[]

We are currently housing 122 articles, and 205 files.

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Phil Roberston

Phil Roberston is one of my two favourite characters in Duck Dynasty

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Duck Dynasty

Duck Dynasty is my favourite television show.

My Favourite characters are Phil and Si

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LukeRebuke LukeRebuke 13 December 2014

Heya, JACK!

Hello Wikia Users, I am new to Duck Dynasty Wiki and I can't wait to start contributing and I promise that I will make this Wiki an awesome place, and contribute as much as I can!

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